
The Bastard prince
Age: 31
Orientation: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Single


Alistair's tale begins in the opulent halls of a Dalmascan palace. Born a noble, he was destined for a life of privilege and power. But fate had other plans. A cruel twist saw him robbed of his birthright, cast into the unforgiving streets of Ul'dah. This once-prince, now a pauper, was thrust into the harsh realities of survival and the dark underbelly of society.In Ul'dah, the world of thievery and deception became Alistair's new kingdom, and his moniker "Incognito" became well-known. He learned the art of deception, becoming adept at discerning the gullible from the wary. Yet, a war raged within him. The memory of his noble past cast a long shadow over his present, challenging his identity and future.One ill-fated night, his internal conflict reached a dramatic climax. He stole a relic, invaluable and dangerous, from an influential figure in Ul'dah's underworld. The relic bore a curse, binding and tormenting him, serving as a relentless reminder of his turbulent path. This curse forced Alistair to confront his past and seize control of his future. He realized he was not a puppet of fate but the master of his own destiny.Dreaming of a new beginning, Alistair envisioned a venture where he could use his precise and steady hands in a more honorable way: becoming the greatest barber in all of Eorzea. This clean path excited him, but reality was complex, interweaving his past, present, and future.In his youth, Alistair had learned the art of rune magick from his adopted father. This knowledge became invaluable as he sought to free himself from his cursed bond. Drawn to the enigmatic organization Wisteria, whose influence was expanding in Limsa Lominsa and Ul'dah, Alistair saw a potential solution to his curse. Their association with the supernatural intrigued him; it was a risk, a potential threat, but also a possible solution.Finally, the day arrived when Alistair severed his pact with the curse. His freedom came at a price: his sight. Yet Alistair saw this not as a loss, but as the birth of a new resolve. He became a man reshaped by trials and tribulations, walking an unconventional path with confidence and inviting those of similar spirit to join him.In his blindness, Alistair embraced rune magick to compensate for his lost vision and harness powerful aetheric energies. He became a journeyman sword saint, hunting down powerful entities and mastering six heirloom swords from Dalmasca, along with a recently created heirloom gunblade. His pure auracite, more akin to Ultima than anything else, symbolized his immense, uncontrollable power.Alistair's journey intertwined deeply with Wisteria, an underground group that grew significantly over three years. He encountered many key figures, including the Naraku Mercantile's criminal network, Dhegiβ€”a hag hiding in plain sightβ€”and the powerful Voidsent Xeraph, who once conquered his body. An explosion that severed his pact with Xeraph and left him blind also set him on a path of soul-searching and reconciliation with his bloodline.He trained under those who had lost everything, from Sword Saints to Ala Mhigans and Bozjans, gaining wisdom and skill that shaped him into a formidable warrior and mentor. As a diplomat for Dalmasca, Alistair also served as a mentor, guiding others with his deep knowledge and experience.Alistair's story is one of resilience, transformation, and the incredible power of self-determination. From the noble halls of Dalmasca to the streets of Ul'dah, from a life of thievery to mastering rune magick and swordsmanship, Alistair's journey is a testament to the strength of the human spirit.Now, as Alistair stands at the crossroads of his destiny, how will you influence this tale?

Hook and bonds

Alistair will take damn near any job that will further his agenda. You need a babysitter? You need a confidant? You need a delivery boy? You need a tall, dark, and handsome man to stand there and look pretty? You need something moved? Do you need a haircut? If for any of the above questions you had to ponder, look no further and let's connect! And if you look the other way Alistair will steal your coin and your heart with his own heart of gold.
Alistair is actively seeking to cull any voidsent from existence, but is very discreet about it. If you're someone who is a purveyor of secrets around that topic, he'd seek you out and know that you can seek him out.If you're an informant, Alistair is always looking for current, new, or valuable information for himself and his allies (even if he doesn't tell them directly). If you're someone who is not of the normal (maybe you're a mad scientist, or a fellow barber, or maybe even a self-proclaimed legend) and you're trying to fly to close to the sun, he'll gladly follow behind you to see where that takes him.As a renowned sword saint, Alistair is now focused on honing his swordplay even further. He is on a quest to continue improving his skills and is in search of a master to guide him further on his journey.But Alistair's journey is not solely about his own growth. He is eager to take on a disciple, whether they be a thief, rogue, or someone from a troubled background. He seeks to impart the wisdom of the sword and teach them how to lead a better life. Through discipline, honor, and skill, Alistair believes that anyone can find their true path.Alistair's aetherial core has recently been expanding beyond what was thought possible. His core will heal, but how it functions won't. If anyone has the ability to view his aether they'll see he generates too much for what his body can handle. If you're interested in the angle of being geas'd by his auracite core or are a supernatural entity who wants to go down a series of unfortunate events (on accident) he would hate (and I would love) to roleplay that with you!Alistair is engaged with Arsenic and Old Lace. Whilst not being under their employ, he ventures with them frequently and is hellbent on accomplishing their mutual goal regarding a "Tale of Twelve Stones". He is constantly at odds with her former employer known as Wistera. He is also in hot pursuit to kill the voidsent who use to curse him.Also if none of these sounded great or up your alley - don't fret! I love to theory craft and above all else, I love to roleplay! So we can for sure find an angle between your toon and this Dalmascan Prince!Current Associates:

O'naryi Khilo: "I've many choice words to speak about this one. Although many of them are not appropriate for a public discussion.... none the less - she is uniquely honest. Not to herself, but definitely to her confidants. She lives close to the world I inhabit, and she tries to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders. That same weight will crush her one day, but I'm sure that if she can trust her allies she'll overcome her trials. I just... wish she didn't give me so many mixed signals. A true tale of fire and ice. For better or for worse... she has many entities that court her. I hope she chooses herself instead of the powers that be. Regardless... know that if you come for my life that she will come for yours."πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›β™‘β™‘

E'mhaati Tia: "This one is a opportunist. He's confident in his ability to take on social que's and bend them to his will - and for good reason. I'm glad that over time we've been able to become more than just business associates. He understands the skeletons in my closet require not friends, but people of action. His business [Arsenic and Old Lace] deserves peace and I will work to ensure that he can have the peace of mind. If he will paint the picture I can walk, then I will carve out space in the world so he can continue painting the picture."Trust :πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›β™‘β™‘β™‘

Tawnsey : "Tawnsey is a spark in my otherwise shadowed existence. Her curiosity and resilience are commendable, and watching her grow has is a rewarding experience. She's my capo and although she's still learning how she wants to lead, I see in her a reflection of the determination I carry. I find myself genuinely invested in her success. Her drive to master rune magick and control her aether abilities mirrors will see her through many of trials and tribulations. Tawnsey’s loyalty and ambition will undoubtedly carve her a unique path, and I will see to it that her dreams come can be manifested by her own hands.Trust :πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›β™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘


Hey if you're here that means you're hopefully thinking of reaching out so we can create some awesome roleplay memories together and that's dope! I go by Anarian and like hella people, I've been roleplaying for hella years (roughly 19 years at this point?) I am also PST. I typically am available anytime Wednesday-Friday. I do value your time so please value mine. If we plan an event together, please be respectful of our mutual agreement and let me know if it needs to be cancelled or postponed. I won't get mad or build a grudge over a common hobby because IRL > RP always. I've worked hard and you'll quickly find I'm a patient and empathetic guy who really just loves roleplaying and making stories with everyone.Things I'm down to RP. (* = I like this shit alot):
*Mentor x Mentee
*Shady Shenans
Nightclubs, Bars, Inns, & Raves
*Combat (freeform and random rolls)
*Violence and Dark Themes
ERP (I prefer story-related, but hey.. pokemon trainer logic is a thing)
I'm okay with Lore-Bending to a degree
Slice o' Life/Romance (romance that isn't... clingy and instant ofc)
Things I'll refuse to RP:
ERP W/ Anyone Who Is IRL under 21
Murder Hobo'ing
Non-Con ERP
Children (C'mon. Leave em alone)
Warrior of Lights/Godmods
Lore Breaking Characters
If I have any reservations during an RP I'll 100% let you know in the middle of it and I expect that if we're RP'ing together you'd do the same to me. I feel like this goes without saying, but my IC is not me and anything my character does is not a reflection of who I am OOC. Even if there is something you want to rp with about that isn't listed - all it takes is a quick message and I'll probably be down for it. I'm super adaptable and I roleplay for fun so feel free to reach out to me! If my RP tag is on then I'm IC and you can even walk up and we can hit it off with that spicy spontaneous roleplay!You can find me on Discord as Al Pal#9861 or in game as Alistair Cornelius on Zalera.